The symphonies

Please use the index to find articles about individual symphonies. 
Below are articles which consider various aspects of the symphonies as a whole.

Brian - the Gothic voice - Paulin Slevin
Brian and the use of small- and large-scale symphonic form
Introduction to the symphonies - Graham Saxby
Symphonies 16 to 19
:  Style and manner - Martin O'Leary
'In the mountains, there you feel free' - David Hackbridge Johnson
Some Alpine perspectives on symphonies 28, 29 and 30

Review of The symphonies of Havergal Brian, volume 2 - David J Brown
Review of
The symphonies of Havergal Brian, volume 3 - Martin Anderson
Brian and the
urban pastorale - PJ Taylor
Brian's style, as exemplified particularly in symphonies 11 and 15


Further reading

Brian' s letter to Herbert Thompson:   some implications - Malcolm MacDonald
Robert Simpson in conversation with Stephen Johnson
Havergal Brian and the one-movement symphony - Harold Truscott
Preparing Brian's scores for performance - Myer Fredman, Robert Simpson
Brian and Mahler:  four symphonies in comparison - Martin O'Leary

... these five articles appear
in HB:  Aspects of Havergal Brian - see bibliography
The symphonies of Havergal Brian - Malcolm MacDonald (three volumes) / particularly vol 1 chh 1-2, vol 3 chh 23-33 - see bibliography



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