NOTE: updates to this page have been discontinued; it has been superseded by this page


1905 Songs The message, Farewell fp
12 January 1907 English suite 1 fp/Brian in Leeds
18 April 1907 By the waters of Babylon fp/Brian in Hanley
24 April 1907 work for cello and piano (1906) fp in Broadwood's Studios, London
8 October 1907 For valour fp/Sir Henry Wood at the Proms
3 December 1908 Hero and Leander fp/Beecham in Hanley
14 October 1909 The vision of Cleopatra fp at the Southport Festival
3 January 1913 Dr Merryheart fp in Birmingham
December 1914 Festal dance fp/Bantock in Birmingham
28 April 1921 Fantastic variations fp in Bournemouth
26 December 1921 In memoriam fp/Sir Landon Ronald
16 March 1922 English suite 3 fp at Bournemouth
28 February 1924 Symphonic variations from The tigers fp at Bournemouth
2 December 1927 Gargoyles from The tigers fp (invited) a BBC New Music Rehearsal
December 1933 Dr Merryheart fbp from Hamburg
17 January 1934 Dr Merryheart fbp/first BBC broadcast of a Brian work
1 March 1934 Gargoyles and Wild horsemen from The tigers fp/fbp  - studio
31 August 1937 English suite 3 fp/fbp - studio
25 June 1950 The tinker's wedding fp/fbp/BBCSSO/Eric Warr - studio, Scotland only - first premiere for 16 years
2 October 1951 The tinker's wedding fp/fbp/BBCSSO/Eric Warr - studio, UK
1 February 1954 Symphony 8 fp/fbp/LPO/Sir Adrian Boult - studio - first broadcast by BBC of a Brian symphony
22 March 1958 Symphony 9 fp/fbp/LSO/Norman del Mar - studio
3 November 1958 Symphony 10 fp/fbp/PO/Stanley Pope - studio
8 April 1959 Symphony 11 fp/fbp/LSO/Harry Newstone - studio (broadcast 5 Nov 1959)
8 April 1959 Symphony 12 fp/fbp/LSO/Harry Newstone - studio (broadcast 5 Nov 1959)
24 June 1961 Symphony 1»The Gothic« fp (semi-pro)
26 February 1962 Symphony 18 fp
4 August 1966 Symphony 12 fpp/del Mar at the Proms - first work at Proms for 53 years
21 September 1966 Symphony 6 »Sinfonia tragica« fp/Douglas Robinson
30 October 1966 Symphony 1»The Gothic« fp (prof)/Sir Adrian Boult at RAH + fbp
3 July 1967 Symphony 4»Das Siegeslied« fp/fbp/Maurice Handford - broadcast
13 March 1968 Symphony 7 fp/fbp/Harry Newstone - broadcast
20 June 1969 Violin concerto fp/fbp/Ralph Holmes/Stanley Pope - broadcast
11 December 1969 Symphony 5 »Wine of summer« fp/Brian Rayner Cook/Leslie Head
10 May 1970 Symphony 14 fp/fbp - LSO/Edward Downes
10 May 1970 Symphony 21 fp/fbp - LSO/Edward Downes
28 January 1971 Symphony 32 fp/fbp/Leslie Head
Agamemnon fp/fbp/Leslie Head
5 February 1971 Cello concerto fp/Thomas Igloi/Sir Adrian Boult
19 July 1971 Cello concerto fbp/Thomas Igloi/Sir Adrian Boult
15 August 1971 Symphony 22 fp/fbp - RPO/Myer Fredman
12 February 1972 The tinker's wedding fpp/Josef Vandernoot
7 May 1972 Festival fanfare fp/Robert Gray
19 May 1973 Symphony 2 fp/Leslie Head
6 June 1973 Festival fanfare fp UK/fbp/Sir Charles Groves
7 June 1973 Symphony 28 fp/fbp - New Philharmonia/Leopold Stokowski
16 June 1973 Agamemnon fbp/Richard Armstrong
27 September 1973 Symphony 2 fbp/Leslie Head
4 October 1973 Symphony 23 fp/Bernard Goodman at Illinois
30 August 1974 Psalm 23 fp/fbp/Eric Pinkett
4 October 1974 Fanfare from The Cenci fp/Robert Gray at Illinois
13 October 1974 Symphony 4»Das Siegeslied« fpp/John Poole at Alexandra Palace, BBC
18 October 1974 Symphony 3 fp/fbp/Stanley Pope
15 November 1974 The jolly miller fp/Robert Fitzpatrick in Philadelphia
16 November 1974 Symphony 23 fbp UK/Bernard Goodman at Illinois
28   November 1974 In memoriam fbp London/Josef Vandernoot
7 December 1974 The jolly miller fp UK/Peter Craddock
12 April 1975 Concerto for orchestra fp/Joseph Stones in Leeds
17 April 1975 Symphony 10 fpp/James Loughran
11 June 1975 Symphony 18 fbp/Bryan Fairfax
18 June 1975 Symphony 6 fbp/Myer Fredman
18 June 1975 Symphony 16 fp/fbp/Myer Fredman
18 June 1975 Symphony 24 fp/fbp/Myer Fredman
20 January 1976 Symphony 9 fpp/Sir Charles Groves
13 May 1976 two Herrick songs fp?
13 May 1976 Symphony 26 fpp/Smith
27 July 1976 Symphony 9 fbp/Sir Charles Groves
24 September 1976 Preludio tragico fp/fbp/Harry Newstone at Alexandra Palace, BBC
24 September 1976 Symphony 30 fp/fbp/Harry Newstone at Alexandra Palace, BBC
29 September 1976 Symphony 5 »Wine of summer« fbp/Brian Rayner Cook/Stanley Pope at Alexandra Palace, BBC
5 October 1976 Symphony 20 fp/fbp/Vernon Handley at Alexandra Palace, BBC
Symphony 26 fbp/Vernon Handley at Alexandra Palace, BBC
17 November 1976 Symphony 29 fp/Smith
17 February 1977 Elegy fp/Wright
5 July 1977 English suite 4 fp/Martin Rutherford
9 January 1979 Symphony 27 fp/fbp/Sir Charles Mackerras
Symphony 31 fp/fbp/Sir Charles Mackerras
9 March 1979 Symphony 2 fp (prof)/Sir Charles Mackerras - broadcast
19 May 1979 Violin concerto fpp/Ralph Holmes/James Blair
13 March 1980 Burlesque variations fp/Geoffrey Heald-Smith
26 October 1983 Symphony 22 fpp - RPO/Sir Charles Groves
29 April 1987 Symphony 7 fpp/Sir Charles Groves
17 May 1987 Symphony 3 fpp/Venn
30 October 1989 Symphony 6 fpp - HamiltonPO/Boris Brott
1 July 1994 'Pantalon and Columbine' fpp/Kelleher
5 August 1994 Symphony 16 fpp/Kelleher
27 May 1995 2 suites from Turandot fpp/Kelleher
12 December 1997 The Cenci fp (concert) /Kelleher, HBS

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